BSA Calls for Open Digital Trade to Form Essential Pillar of Europe’s New Trade Strategy
BRUSSELS – November 16, 2020 – In comments submitted to the European Commission’s Trade and Investment Policy Review, BSA | The Software Alliance encourages the EU to build open digital trade into the foundation of its new strategy.
“The EU has a significant leadership role to play in helping to define global digital trades rules, instill trust in e-commerce, and support long-term recovery from Covid-19,” said Isabelle Roccia, Senior Manager, Policy – EMEA at BSA. “With calls for digital protectionism and data localization on the rise around the world, preserving the movement of data must remain a foundation of Europe’s trade agenda, in alignment with like-minded and close trading partners. The EU’s long-standing commitment to addressing unjustified barriers and digital restrictions, as reaffirmed in the European Strategy for Data in February 2020, sends an important signal that openness and trust in the digital economy are key drivers of Europe’s global competitiveness."
“Delivering a forward-looking, open digital trade agenda based on the responsible use of digital technologies will unequivocally reaffirm the EU’s commitment to international data flows and prepare Europe for tomorrow’s geopolitical, economic, and social realities,” Roccia added.
Read BSA’s full comments here:
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