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NOV 24, 2021 | US | ASIA PACIFIC

Eyeing an Indo-Pacific Framework: Waiting for More ‘Flesh on the Bones’

Inside US Trade, November 24, 2021

By Madeline Halpert

The White House has set its sights on a new Indo-Pacific digital framework it claims will be “even more robust” than other regionwide initiatives. But complicating the administration's efforts are domestic politics, a host of questions about a path forward and other Asia-Pacific trade and digital accords, according to analysts and sources.

A digital economy initiative also could focus on digital skills development and provisions to address systematic bias in artificial intelligence systems, said Joe Whitlock, the director of policy at BSA | The Software Alliance and a former senior director for innovation and intellectual property at USTR. "The Biden administration itself has expressed broad interest in the context of a worker-centered trade policy, having a positive agenda to overcome the digital divide and foster inclusion across all communities," he said.


Original Posting: https://insidetrade.com/daily-news/eyeing-indo-pacific-framework-waiting-more-%E2%80%98flesh-bones%E2%80%99

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