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Shaundra Watson serves as Senior Director, Policy, in Washington, DC, and is responsible for providing counsel and developing policy on key issues for the software industry, with an emphasis on artificial intelligence. Leia mais


SEP 22, 2022

Henry Young is Senior Director, Policy for BSA | The Software Alliance. Prior to joining BSA, Young was Senior Counsel and Senior Policy Advisor first to Secretary of Commerce Ross and then Secretary of Commerce Raimondo. Leia mais


SEP 10, 2021

Gideon Lett serves as BSA’s Chief Growth Officer. In this role, Lett drives global organization growth, member success, and executive engagement among the world’s most innovative software companies. Leia mais


JUL 30, 2021

Aaron Cooper 担任全球政策副总裁。在担任该职位期间,Cooper 负责领导 BSA 的全球政策团队,为 BSA 成员在全球范围内优先政策的发展做出了贡献,这些政策优先事项影响着新兴技术的发展,包括数据隐私、网络安全、知识产权和贸易。Cooper 于 2016 年 2 月加入 BSA,担任战略政策倡议副总裁。 Leia mais


JAN 22, 2020

Craig Albright 领导 BSA 与美国国会的交往。在加入 BSA 之前,他曾担任世界银行集团在美国、澳大利亚、加拿大和新西兰的特别代表,任职四年,负责处理与政府官员、私营部门高管、智囊团学者、民间社会领袖的关系。 Leia mais


JAN 22, 2020