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BSA hosts a virtual roundtable with Dieter Janecek – Member of the German Bundestag, and Spokesperson for Industrial Policy and Digital Economy for the German Green Party – on the challenges and opportunities of the business-to-business software industry in supporting COVID-19 recovery efforts in Germany, the EU, and globally. Leia mais


MAY 06, 2020

The Edge Malaysia, July 30, 2018. The article highlights BSA’s call on Malaysia to liberalize heavily regulated sectors, such as health and financial, to boost the adoption rate of cloud computing in businesses. Jared Ragland, Senior Director, Policy — APAC, said governments should be developing regulations that, on the one hand, set a platform for trust so that consumers and enterprises have the confidence to utilize the technology but, on the other hand, create an enabling environment for technological innovations within the industry. Leia mais

bsa in the news

JUL 29, 2018

Die BSA | The Software Alliance stellt heute die „2018 Global Cloud Computing Scorecard“ vor, eine Untersuchung der politischen Rahmenbedingungen für Cloud Computing weltweit. Deutschland liegt auf Rang 1 der 24 untersuchten Länder, nach Rang drei im Jahr 2016. Die Studie bescheinigt Deutschland effektive Gesetze zum Schutz von E-Commerce und zur Cybersecurity sowie eine gute Unterstützung von internationalen Standards und Interoperabilität. Leia mais

press release

MAR 06, 2018