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MAY 06, 2020 | GERMANY

Germany: Roundtable on Digital Policies and B2B Software Industry Responses to COVID-19

May 6, 2020
Berlin, Germany

Speaker: Thomas Boué, Director General, Policy — EMEA

BSA hosts a virtual roundtable with Dieter Janecek – Member of the German Bundestag, and Spokesperson for Industrial Policy and Digital Economy for the German Green Party – on the challenges and opportunities of the business-to-business software industry in supporting COVID-19 recovery efforts in Germany, the EU, and globally.

BSA’s Thomas Boué moderates a discussion on how the enterprise software industry can help power the remote economy, maximize public health and safety, and maintain essential functions that people in Germany and all over the world depend on for critical business and personal needs.

Participants also exchange views on the digital policy priorities and strategic initiatives that will help governments and their citizens to prepare for and enable increased teleworking and other remote-based activities, including the responsible use of cloud-based software services.


BSA | The Software Alliance (www.bsa.org) is the leading advocate for the global software industry before governments and in the international marketplace. Its members are among the world’s most innovative companies, creating software solutions that help businesses of all sizes in every part of the economy to modernize and grow.

With headquarters in Washington, DC, and operations in more than 30 countries, BSA pioneers compliance programs that promote legal software use and advocates for public policies that foster technology innovation and drive growth in the digital economy.


Michael O’Brien

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