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BSA’s Jared Ragland makes an intervention highlighting that high-ambition trade rules are critical for the region to fulfill its economic potential, and that high ambition outcomes will support effective domestic policy making on a range of important policy priorities, from digital transformation, personal information protection and consumer privacy, online safety, and enhancing cybersecurity and protecting critical infrastructure, among other things. Leia mais


MAY 26, 2023

BSA|The Software Alliance(BSA | ザ・ソフトウェア・アライアンス、以下「BSA」)は、「特定妨害行為の防止による特定社会基盤役務の安定的な提供の確保に関する基本指針」(案)(以下「基本指針案」)に対する、パブリップコメントの機会に感謝し、経済安全保障推進室に以下の通り意見を提出します。 Leia mais

policy filing

MAR 10, 2023