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Flood protection has blocked this Solr request. See more at The Acquia Search flood control mechanism has blocked a Solr query due to API usage limits



BSA|ソフトウェア・アライアンス は、社会全体のデジタルトランスフォーメーシ ョンを加速させるために日本政府が取り組みを継続していることを歓迎します。特に、デジタ ルの持つ可能性を十分に発揮し、改革を進めるという日本政府の目標、そしてこの目標を推進 することに特化した新たな政府機関を設置することを我々は支持しています. Weiterlesen

policy filing

OCT 30, 2020

BSA | The Software Alliance appreciates the ongoing effort by the Government of Japan to accelerate digital transformation across society. We support the Government of Japan’s aim to advance reforms by fully unleashing the potential of digital technologies, including the plan to establish a dedicated agency functioning as a control tower to drive this goal. Weiterlesen

policy filing

OCT 30, 2020

The Global Data Alliance welcomes recommendations outlined at the Asian Development Bank (ADB) inaugural Southeast Asia Development Symposium on October 21, 2020 to invest in digital infrastructure, improve cross-border digital connectivity, and broaden equitable access to technology for populations affected by COVID-19. Weiterlesen

press release

OCT 23, 2020

BSA | The Software Alliance (“BSA”), the leading advocate for the global software industry, welcomes the opportunity to provide input to the United Kingdom’s Comprehensive Spending Review. Fully embracing the digital economy further transforms and grows the economy, helps build social and economic resilience and recovery, and enables global trade. BSA offers concrete recommendations on the role that the software industry can play to support the following priorities of the UK’s Comprehensive Spending Review.  Weiterlesen

policy filing

SEP 24, 2020