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MAY 29, 2017 | GLOBAL

DocuSign Joins BSA | The Software Alliance

Newest member will contribute to BSA’s core policy priorities: data policy, intellectual property, workforce development, emerging technologies

WASHINGTON — May 30, 2017 — BSA | The Software Alliance today announced that the pioneer and global standard for eSignature and Digital Transaction Management (DTM), DocuSign, has become its newest member. Reggie Davis, General Counsel & Chief Legal Officer at DocuSign, has also joined BSA’s board of directors.

“Our company helps individuals and organizations of all sizes, industries and geographies to quickly, easily, and securely transact business digitally,” said Davis. “As our business continues to experience rapid global adoption and hyper growth, we recognize the need for a thoughtful presence before Congress and the Administration to design and further policies that will contribute to the success and advancement of our digital economy.”

“We’re so pleased to welcome DocuSign to BSA,” said Victoria Espinel, President and CEO of BSA | The Software Alliance. “Ninety percent of business leaders cite data innovation as one of the key resources and a key differentiator for business, on par with basic resources like land, labor, and capital. DocuSign demonstrates how software can have enormous benefits in multiple areas of a business; in addition to streamlining and improving processes by eliminating the paper signature, DocuSign’s tools have saved more than 10 billion pieces of paper.”

Headquartered in San Francisco, DocuSign is changing how business gets done by empowering more than 300,000 companies and more than 200 million users in 188 countries to sign, send and manage agreements anytime, anywhere, on any device. DocuSign replaces printing, faxing, scanning and overnighting documents with the easiest, fastest, most trusted way to make every approval and decision digital.

Organizations who use DocuSign achieve faster speed to results, lower cost, increased security and compliance, better customer experiences and improved environmental sustainability. On average, 85% of transactions are completed via DocuSign in less than one day; 64% in less than one hour; and 53% in 15 minutes or less – dramatically faster than the days or weeks typically required with paper. On average, DocuSign delivers $36.44 in value per document to customers – including hard dollar savings, productivity improvements and revenue gains – over paper methods. For more information on DocuSign, please visit https://www.docusign.com.


Le Business Software Alliance (www.bsa.org) est le principal organisme de défense et de promotion de l’industrie du logiciel auprès des administrations gouvernementales et sur le marché international. Ses membres comptent parmi les entreprises les plus innovantes au monde, à l’origine de solutions logicielles qui stimulent l’économie et améliorent la vie moderne.


Michael O’Brien

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