JUN 10, 2018 | US
Class of 2018: This Year's Grads Not Seen As a Skills Gap Solution
CIO, June 11, 2018
By Sharon Florentine
“This [skills gap] is a huge issue for the software industry, of course, but it goes far beyond just that — software, IT, digital skills are important in all areas in every industry,” says Espinel. “What it really comes down to is ‘every company is an IT company,’ as the saying goes, and so, we need to solve the issue of how we enable people to gain these skills and get these jobs. The software industry has been out in front with bootcamps and education programs, but there has to be equal effort from government and private industry working together.”
Original Posting: https://www.cio.com/article/3280101/hiring-and-staffing/class-of-2018-this-years-grads-not-seen-as-a-skills-gap-solution.html
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