Tech Groups Pleased by EU Move on ‘Standard Contractual Clauses’ for Data Transfers, Renew Call for ‘Privacy Shield’ Replacement
Inside Cybersecurity, June 4, 2021
By Charlie Mitchell
BSA--The Software Alliance issued a statement from Thomas Boué, director general of policy for Europe and other regions, saying, “SCCs provide a vital privacy-protective mechanism used by millions of companies, governments, and organizations, in Europe and worldwide, that transfer data out of the EU. Nearly 90 percent of companies transferring data out of the EU rely on SCCs to do so, in full respect of European privacy rules.”
Boué said, “The new SCCs do three important things: they ensure consistency with the CJEU’s Schrems II decision and the GDPR, they reflect the realities of the digital economy, and they provide businesses--of all sizes, across every sector--with greater legal certainty, ultimately helping them operate, innovate, and compete. The Commission’s updates account for all types of transfers, depending on the circumstances, and recognizes the role of appropriate supplementary safeguards where needed. BSA has long advocated that additional safeguards be applied on a case-by-case basis, according to the specific condition of each transfer. The Commission’s updates provide additional protective measures and make SCCs more flexible, both of which are positive developments.”
Original Posting: https://insidecybersecurity.com/daily-news/tech-groups-pleased-eu-move-%E2%80%98standard-contractual-clauses%E2%80%99-data-transfers-renew-call-
Le Business Software Alliance (www.bsa.org) est le principal organisme de défense et de promotion de l’industrie du logiciel auprès des administrations gouvernementales et sur le marché international. Ses membres comptent parmi les entreprises les plus innovantes au monde, à l’origine de solutions logicielles qui stimulent l’économie et améliorent la vie moderne.