OCT 06, 2021 | US
Software Group: More Work Needed To Reach ‘Consensus’ Over NIST Labeling Criteria
Inside Cybersecurity, October 6, 2021
By Sara Friedman
NIST’s recent consumer software labeling workshop shows more work is needed to reach a “consensus” between government and industry over what criteria should be included in a potential pilot program, according to a leading software industry association.
Henry Young, policy director for BSA | The Software Alliance, told Inside Cybersecurity, the discussion at the workshop was “positive” and “substantive.” However, he said “people are struggling through the challenges but I don’t think there is anything approaching a consensus at this point.”
One of the areas of concern for BSA is the comparison of a software cybersecurity label to Energy Star which is issued to evaluate energy efficiency. Young called the relationship between the two “a bad analogy” because Energy Star is “basically stable” and cybersecurity is a “dynamic environment.”
Original Posting: https://insidecybersecurity.com/daily-news/software-group-more-work-needed-reach-%E2%80%98consensus%E2%80%99-over-nist-labeling-criteria
Le Business Software Alliance (www.bsa.org) est le principal organisme de défense et de promotion de l’industrie du logiciel auprès des administrations gouvernementales et sur le marché international. Ses membres comptent parmi les entreprises les plus innovantes au monde, à l’origine de solutions logicielles qui stimulent l’économie et améliorent la vie moderne.