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BSA | The Software Alliance raises concerns relating to the Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking published on April 21, 2023 by the US Patent and Trademark Office and entitled, “Changes Under Consideration to Discretionary Institution Practices, Petition Word-Count Limits, and Settlement Practices for America Invents Act Trial Proceedings Before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board." Leia mais

policy filing

JUL 14, 2023

BSA | The Software Alliance is grateful for the opportunity to comment on the Fiscal Year 2021 National Defense Authorization Act (FY21 NDAA). As conferees work to develop a final version of the bill, we write Senate and House NDAA conference letters regarding several provisions under consideration that would impact the global software industry. BSA is the leading trade association representing the global software industry before governments and in the international marketplace. Its members are among the world’s most innovative companies, developing cutting-edge solutions in use across the range of information technology (IT) platforms, and are global leaders in advancing best practices for developing quality, secure, trustworthy software. Earlier this year, we wrote you about our priorities for this year’s legislation to advance cybersecurity, driving agile and meaningful innovation, and harness emerging technologies, and we are grateful that you addressed many of these priorities in the legislation. As the conference committee proceeds, we urge your attention to these and other priorities, addressed below. Leia mais

policy filing

AUG 26, 2020

BSA | The Software Alliance releases digital trade agenda for new negotiations. In the 25 years since the conclusion of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the American software industry has transformed. It has evolved from floppy disks and desktop computing to cloud computing, smart devices, and data analytics. Leia mais

press release

MAY 21, 2017

Eine neue, umfassende Analyse der BSA | The Software Alliance zu den politischen Rahmenbedingungen zeigt Deutschland in einer Spitzenposition auf dem weltweit dritten Rang. Die Gesetze und Strategien zum Cloud Computing haben seit 2013 Fortschritte gemacht – ein Zeichen dafür, dass Deutschland im Vergleich mit 23 führenden IT-Nationen der Cloud-Innovation große Bedeutung beimisst. Dies ist das zentrale Ergebnis der 2016 BSA Global Cloud Computing Scorecard. Leia mais

press release

APR 26, 2016