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BSA | The Software Alliance today led a multi-industry letter with the US Chamber of Commerce responding to yesterday’s Schrems II ruling by the European Court of Justice and urging the US Department of Commerce to work collaboratively with the European Union to develop a stable and sustainable mechanism for companies to transfer data between the European Union and the United States. 阅读更多信息

press release

JUL 17, 2020

Reuters, July 16, 2020. ”The good news is that SCCs (Standard Contractual Clauses) remain valid. But today’s Privacy Shield decision will create challenges for more than 5,300 businesses, 70% of which are SMEs, across a range of sectors at a time when the ability to send data abroad is crucial to the economic recovery from COVID-19,” said Victoria Espinel, CEO and President. 阅读更多信息

bsa in the news

JUL 16, 2020