Virtual Event: The Parliamentary Dimension of the EU Council Presidency
November 18, 2020
Speaker: Thomas Boué, Director General, EMEA Policy, BSA | The Software Alliance
Germany has held the Presidency of the EU Council for four months. The numerous ministerial meetings – virtual or in person – are the subject of broad media coverage. What is less known, however, is that the Bundestag and Bundesrat also play a special role as presidential parliaments at this particular time.
How do parliaments deal with the crises and challenges in Europe? How great is the pressure to wave through difficult political compromises such as the multiannual financial framework? What can parliamentarians, but also civil society, do through them to master major political challenges – in particular climate change and digital transformation?
- Dr. Katja Leikert Member of the German Bundestag, Deputy Chairwoman of the CDU / CSU Parliamentary Group
- Thomas Boué , Director General Policy EMEA, BSA | The Software Alliance
- Szilvia Kalmár, Deputy Managing Director, Erste Lesung
- Sebastian Gröning von Thüna, Board Member, Europe Professionell
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