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Global Data Alliance Encourages EU to Fully Integrate Cross-Border Data Flows into Data Strategy

BRUSSELS – June 2, 2020 – In comments submitted on the European Strategy for Data, The Global Data Alliance welcomes the EU’s forward-looking commitment and international approach to data flows, based on trust and openness.

The Strategy rightly points out that European businesses operate in a connected, cross-border economy and that data flows are indispensable for competitiveness. Companies in every sector increasingly rely on the ability to transfer data around the world, including Europe, to sustain global commerce, protect consumers from fraud and counterfeit products, improve health and safety, optimize day-to-day operations, and promote social good.

“Cross-border data flows are instrumental to the responsible use of digital technologies by companies of all sizes and all sectors in Europe – and, by extension, to Europe's economic recovery post-COVID-19,” said Isabelle Roccia, Senior Manager, EMEA Policy at BSA | The Software Alliance, on behalf of the GDA. “The objectives of innovation and competitiveness laid out in the Data Strategy can only be achieved if the EU continues to fully integrate cross-border data flows into future data-related policies.”

“On the global stage, the EU’s ongoing efforts to promote cross-border data flows, as well as strong privacy safeguards, are critical to encouraging trust and responsible behavior in the digital economy,” Roccia added.

Read the GDA’s full comments here: https://www.globaldataalliance.org/downloads/05312020gdaeudatastrategy.pdf

About the Global Data Alliance

The Global Data Alliance (globaldataalliance.org) is a cross-industry coalition of companies that are committed to high standards of data responsibility and that rely on the ability to transfer data around the world to innovate and create jobs. The Alliance supports policies that help instill trust in the digital economy while safeguarding the ability to transfer data across borders and refraining from imposing data localization requirements that restrict trade.

Alliance members include BSA members and American Express, Amgen, AT&T, ITB360, Mastercard, Panasonic, United Airlines, Verizon, Visa, and WD-40 Company. These companies are headquartered across the globe and are active in the advanced manufacturing, aerospace, automotive, consumer goods, electronics, energy, financial services, health, supply chain, and telecommunications sectors, among others. BSA | The Software Alliance administers the Global Data Alliance.


Le Business Software Alliance (www.bsa.org) est le principal organisme de défense et de promotion de l’industrie du logiciel auprès des administrations gouvernementales et sur le marché international. Ses membres comptent parmi les entreprises les plus innovantes au monde, à l’origine de solutions logicielles qui stimulent l’économie et améliorent la vie moderne.


Michael O’Brien

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