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NOV 18, 2022 | US

32nd Annual Review of the Field of National Security Law Conference

Speaker: Kate Goodloe, Senior Director, Policy for BSA | The Software Alliance

BSA’s Kate Goodloe joins a panel discussion on technology from the private sector and the implications of governments seeking to instill restrictions on cross-border data flows, regulations of online expression and more. Meanwhile, governments are seeking greater access to the data that the private sector collects, processes, and stores. The panel will explore whether the United States call for an “open, free, global, interoperable, reliable, and secure Internet,” is a realistic vision given the trends toward data localization and digital sovereignty.

The two-day conference will look at the past 60 years and the significant changes made to the security legal landscape. To celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the ABA Standing Committee on Law and National Security, our 32nd Annual Review CLE Conference will bring together leading practitioners, scholars, and government officials to discuss The Past, Present, and Future of National Security Law.

Speakers Include:

  • Kate Goodloe from BSA | The Software Alliance;
  • Alexander Joel, Scholar-in-Residence and Adjunct Professor Tech, Law & Security Program, American University, Washington College of Law;
  • Maggie Smith, CPT, PhD, Scientific Researcher and Assistant Professor Army Cyber Institute, USMA;
  • Will Jones, Head of Strategy and Engagement, Investigatory Powers Unit, Homeland Security Group, United Kingdom

More Information: https://web.cvent.com/event/587890d9-7f23-4662-af87-6f106dedfece/websitePage:645d57e4-75eb-4769-b2c0-f201a0bfc6ce


Le Business Software Alliance (www.bsa.org) est le principal organisme de défense et de promotion de l’industrie du logiciel auprès des administrations gouvernementales et sur le marché international. Ses membres comptent parmi les entreprises les plus innovantes au monde, à l’origine de solutions logicielles qui stimulent l’économie et améliorent la vie moderne.


Michael O’Brien

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