BSA Statement on French President Emmanuel Macron’s EU Digital Priorities
BRUSSELS – December 9, 2021 – BSA | The Software Alliance welcomes President Emmanuel Macron’s presentation today of France’s EU Presidency priorities, offering the following statement.
“What is clear from President Macron’s speech is the central and constructive role that enterprise software will continue to play in supporting Europe’s digital transformation,” said Thomas Boué, Director General of Policy—EMEA at BSA | The Software Alliance. “BSA welcomes the EU values-based approach to digital policymaking that President Macron outlined, particularly the emphasis on embracing digital technologies across the public and private sectors, supporting job creation and better skills training, and championing Europe’s digital single market.”
“To fully leverage the benefits of the data economy, the importance of maintaining an open-market approach to digital sovereignty—and removing unnecessary barriers to responsible cross-border data flows—cannot be overstated,” Boué added. “BSA remains committed to working with EU policymakers to ensure the digital space is governed in ways that encourage open trade, enhance cybersecurity, and support democratic principles.”
BSA’s Digital Policy Recommendations for France in 2022 highlight several priorities for France to focus on during its EU Presidency as the country inherits several landmark EU digital files and enters a pivotal election cycle.
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