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Flood protection has blocked this Solr request. See more at The Acquia Search flood control mechanism has blocked a Solr query due to API usage limits



La Business Software Alliance est le principale organisme mondial de représentation et de promotion de l’industrie du logiciel et qui compte parmi ses membres des entreprises à la pointe de la technologie, notamment sur le développement de l’intelli gence artificielle comme Microsoft, Intel, IBM, Splunk ou encore Salesforce. Leia mais

policy filing

OCT 30, 2020

heise.de, September 13, 2018. BSA is mentioned in an article about the EU copyright rules text as adopted by the European Parliament. The journalist very briefly presents BSA's position emphasising that the adopted text by the European Parliament contradicts the European Commission's AI strategy. Leia mais

bsa in the news

SEP 12, 2018