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BSA hosts a virtual roundtable with Professor Ulrich Kelber, Germany’s Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information. Participants will exchange views on the state of play of international data transfers, including the need for harmonizing data protection regulations and finding long-term solutions to legal uncertainties around cross-border data flows. Leia mais


FEB 10, 2022

Le CLOUD Act (ou Clarifying Lawful Overseas Use of Data Act) a modifié l’ECPA (ou Electronic Communications Privacy Act – loi sur la confidentialité des communications électroniques), qui est la loi américaine régissant la manière dont les organismes chargés de l’application de la loi peuvent obtenir des informations détenues par certaines entreprises technologiques, y compris les fournisseurs de cloud (informatique en nuage). Leia mais

policy filing

DEC 06, 2021

The Clarifying Lawful Overseas Use of Data (CLOUD) Act amended the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA), which is the US statute governing how law enforcement agencies may obtain information held by certain technology companies, including cloud service providers.  Leia mais

policy filing

SEP 01, 2021