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BSA hosts a virtual roundtable with Professor Ulrich Kelber, Germany’s Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information. Participants will exchange views on the state of play of international data transfers, including the need for harmonizing data protection regulations and finding long-term solutions to legal uncertainties around cross-border data flows. Leia mais


FEB 10, 2022

Der Datentransfer zwischen der Europäischen Union und den Vereinigten Staaten ist sowohl für das Beschäftigungs-, Wirtschaftswachstum und Versorgungssicherheit entscheidend. In der Tat müssen Unternehmen jeder Größe und jeder Branche – von der Fertigung über die Landwirtschaft bis hin zu Luftfahrt und Logistik – Daten über Staatsgrenzen hinweg übermitteln, um jene Dienstleistungen zu erbringen, die ihre Partner und Verbraucher erwarten. Leia mais

press release

AUG 24, 2021

The Global Data Alliance today signed a Multi-Industry Statement on Cross-Border Data Transfers and Data Localization Disciplines in the WTO Joint Statement Initiative on E-Commerce. Together with more than 75 other industry associations active across six continents, the Global Data Alliance encourages governments to agree ambitious commitments in ongoing WTO e-commerce negotiations. Leia mais

press release

JAN 26, 2021

BSA | The Software Alliance applauds today’s release of the Multi-Industry Statement on Cross-Border Data Transfers and Data Localization Disciplines in the WTO Negotiations on E-Commerce, which encourages WTO negotiators to agree on a framework to facilitate the seamless and secure movement of information across borders. The multi-industry statement, co-led by BSA and the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), reflects unified support from more than 75 associations active across six continents. Leia mais

press release

JAN 26, 2021

A BSA | The Software Alliance e a Global Data Alliance vêm, por meio da presente carta, parabenizar-lhes por suas recentes nomeações para compor o primeiro Conselho de Diretor da Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados (ANPD). Esperamos trabalhar com a ANPD e apoiar seus esforços para promover a proteção de dados pessoais no Brasil, inclusive por meio da regulamentação de vários artigos da Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais (LGPD). Leia mais

policy filing

NOV 16, 2020