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BRUSSELS – April 18, 2023 – BSA | The Software Alliance welcomes today’s recommendations by the Commission to boost digital skills through training and education in Europe and the EU Cybersecurity Skills Academy. The package of proposed initiatives aims to provide much-needed training and education in digital – and especially cyber – skills for the EU workforce, which is facing a shortage of IT and cybersecurity experts.   Lire la suite

press release

APR 18, 2023

WASHINGTON – December 13, 2022 – The Global Data Alliance (GDA) applauds the European Commission’s draft US adequacy determination, announced today in Brussels, which will help support the new EU-US Data Privacy Framework. The preliminary adequacy determination is an important step forward in joint EU and US efforts to strengthen transatlantic data privacy and security, while also promoting transatlantic cross-border data transfers and commerce. Lire la suite

press release

DEC 13, 2022