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Electronic Times, February 8, 2019. An interview with Geun Kim, BSA Country Manager for Korea, with Korea’s top IT trade newspaper, Electronic Times. Beyond campaigning for legal software use, the article covers BSA’s efforts to advocate the development of public policies that foster technological innovation and drive growth in the software industry. The article also highlights the policy priorities that are taking precedence in Korea this year. Lire la suite

bsa dans les médias

FEB 07, 2019

The Nation, September 27, 2018. Following an interview with Jared Ragland, BSA Senior Director, Policy – APAC, this article appeared on The Nation in light of the Thailand government’s aim to submit four bills to the Cabinet covering cyber security, data protection, electronic transactions, and the establishment of the Electronic Transactions Development Agency (ETDA). The article covers BSA’s views that Thailand’s proposed cybersecurity laws need to be more flexible and market-oriented, as opposed to being highly top-down and prescriptive. Lire la suite

bsa dans les médias

SEP 26, 2018