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BSA | The Software Alliance (BSA) and the Global Data Alliance (GDA) represent companies committed to high standards of data privacy and security. BSA and GDA support the Government of Brazil’s ongoing efforts to implement the Personal Data Protection Law (LGPD), including through structuring the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD). We understand and appreciate that the important privacy protections in the LGPD are applicable on its effective date, even if administrative enforcement will not happen until August 1st, 2021. Read more

policy filing

SEP 09, 2020

BSA | The Software Alliance releases digital trade agenda for new negotiations. In the 25 years since the conclusion of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the American software industry has transformed. It has evolved from floppy disks and desktop computing to cloud computing, smart devices, and data analytics. Read more

press release

MAY 21, 2017