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Software is making a profound impact on the UK economy, contributing £124.8 billion to its GDP (including indirect and induced effects), supporting almost 2.6 million high-quality, well-paying jobs and investing £1.76 billion in R&D. These are the key findings of the report “Software: A €910 billion Catalyst for the EU Economy” published today by BSA | The Software Alliance, incorporating data and economic impact assessment conducted by The Economist Intelligence Unit. Read more

press release

NOV 21, 2016

BSA | The Software Alliance has joined more than a dozen technology trade associations in developing the first-ever Technology Sector Presidential Platform, designed to urge the 2016 presidential candidates to consider issues and implement policies that harness the power of technology, create jobs, grow the economy, foster innovation and continue to improve the lives of all Americans. Read more

press release

MAY 03, 2016