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A BSA | The Software Alliance anunciou hoje acordos com três empresas brasileiras no setor industrial para resolver queixas de uso de software não licenciado. Todas as empresas concordaram em eliminar todos os softwares não licenciados de seus computadores, adquirir todas as licenças necessárias para estarem inteiramente conformes e adotar medidas para garantir a conformidade futura. Read more

press release

AUG 21, 2017

Software is making a profound impact on the European economy, contributing close to €1 trillion to the EU’s GDP (including indirect and induced impacts), supporting almost 12 million high-quality, well-paying jobs and investing close to €13 billion in R&D. These are the key findings of the report, “Software: A €910 billion Catalyst for the EU Economy,” published today by BSA | The Software Alliance, incorporating data and economic impact assessment conducted by The Economist Intelligence Unit. Read more

press release

NOV 21, 2016

A pesar de conocer los peligros de ciberseguridad a los que están expuestos, los usuarios de computadoras a nivel mundial utilizan software sin licencia a un ritmo alarmante. Estos son los descubrimientos de Aprovechar oportunidades a través de la observancia de licencias, la nueva Investigación global de software 2016 de BSA | The Software Alliance. Read more

press release

MAY 26, 2016