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BSA | The Software Alliance (“BSA”), the leading advocate for the global software industry, welcomes the opportunity to provide input to the United Kingdom’s Comprehensive Spending Review. Fully embracing the digital economy further transforms and grows the economy, helps build social and economic resilience and recovery, and enables global trade. BSA offers concrete recommendations on the role that the software industry can play to support the following priorities of the UK’s Comprehensive Spending Review.  Lire la suite

policy filing

SEP 24, 2020

WeChat, September 18, 2018. A post by influential B2B technology KOL Tedahao summarising key findings from BSA’s 2018 Cloud Computing Scorecard, with additional emphasis on how China compares with other nations. The post also cited the scorecard as a valuable platform to discuss where countries stand in terms of preparedness for the adoption and growth of cloud computing services, and how their rankings can be improved. Lire la suite

bsa dans les médias

SEP 17, 2018