FEB 07, 2024 | US
BSA Pushes Back on Cyber Threat Sharing Provisions
Inside Cybersecurity, February 7, 2024
By Sara Friedman
BSA | The Software Alliance submits comments on the cyber threat sharing provisions in a proposed rule related to cyber executive order.
“This proposed rule seems to forget or ignore what both EO 14028 and the Constitution recognize. Instead, the proposed rule would give law enforcement a staggering amount of access to the information and information systems of private companies, without clear protections for the private and sensitive personal data often stored in such systems and without any safeguards against the intentional or negligent misuse of such unrestricted access,” BSA says in comments submitted on Feb. 2.
Original Posting: https://insidecybersecurity.com/share/15519
The Business Software Alliance (www.bsa.org) is the global trade association of the enterprise software industry, representing companies that are leaders in artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, cloud computing, and other cutting-edge technologies. We work in over 20 markets in the US, Europe, and Asia, advocating for policies that build trust in technology so that every industry sector and the public can benefit from innovation. BSA also supports its members and their customers by raising awareness of the risks of unlicensed software use and the benefits of software asset management, driving license compliance and software adoption around the world through sound IT procurement.