JAN 25, 2022 | US
Digital Trade Deals High on BSA's 2022 Agenda
POLITICO Morning Trade, January 25, 2022
By Steven Overly
The US software industry’s 2022 policy agenda released this morning has a strong international element, reflected most prominently in sections calling for new digital trade agreements, immigration reform and stronger cybersecurity practices, Craig Albright, vice president for legislative strategy at BSA | The Software Alliance, told Morning Trade.
BSA will keep pressure on the Biden administration this year to begin talks in the Asia-Pacific on a digital trade agreement because “there is a growing recognition that international data transfers are a real competitiveness issue for every industry,” Albright said, pointing to the diverse coalition of companies that have joined the BSA-led Global Data Alliance. “This isn't a tech issue. This is manufacturing. This is retail. This is agriculture.”
Original Posting: https://subscriber.politicopro.com/newsletter/2022/01/raimondo-forges-ahead-on-chip-incentives-pro-00001661
The Business Software Alliance (www.bsa.org) is the global trade association of the enterprise software industry, representing companies that are leaders in artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, cloud computing, and other cutting-edge technologies. We work in over 20 markets in the US, Europe, and Asia, advocating for policies that build trust in technology so that every industry sector and the public can benefit from innovation. BSA also supports its members and their customers by raising awareness of the risks of unlicensed software use and the benefits of software asset management, driving license compliance and software adoption around the world through sound IT procurement.