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DEC 31, 2020 | US

State Privacy Bills, Activity in California Loom Large Over Efforts To Move Federal Legislation in ’21

Inside Cybersecurity, December 31, 2020

By Sara Friedman

Industry groups will be keeping a close eye on legislation moving in several states to establish privacy regimes, while continuing to push for a first-ever federal law setting consistent privacy and data security standards across the country.

“If you are going to have a federal law, it is important for it to be high quality, that people feel is worthy of pre-emption,” BSA’s Albright said, “so you can have one national standard to give businesses confidence on how to develop their policies and consumers can have confidence and greater clarity on what their rights are.”

Albright said, “This is important for consumers and businesses, particularly small businesses. If you have multiple laws being enforced, the businesses that are going to lose out are the small businesses that don’t have the capacity or the resources to comply with multiple laws in different jurisdictions. The most effective system would be to have a high-quality national standard that people are confident is privacy protected and can be enforced in a strong way.”


Original Posting: https://insidecybersecurity.com/daily-news/state-privacy-bills-activity-california-loom-large-over-efforts-move-federal-legislation-


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Michael O’Brien

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