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In the context of the ongoing inter-institutional (“Trilogues”) negotiations on the EU Data Act, the signatories, representing leading organizations in the technology, security and innovation sectors, highlight here key improvements in the Council’s and EU Parliament’s respective positions, and raise remaining concerns that are critical for Europe’s innovative strength and competitiveness. Leia mais

policy filing

MAY 11, 2023

Alors que la France entre dans un nouveau cycle politique, consolider la transformation numérique du pays et renforcer son rôle de puissance européenne dans un monde globalisé devraient figurer parmi les principales priorités du futur gouvernement. Leia mais

policy filing

DEC 01, 2021

BSA | The Software Alliance welcomes the opportunity to offer thoughts on the European Commission draft Artificial Intelligence Act (hereinafter the “AI Act” or the “Proposal”). Leia mais

policy filing

AUG 06, 2021