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以下署名组织代表了在中国有业务活动或有兴趣在中国开展业务的各种规模和行业部门的公司。对于改善个人数据保护和数据治理标准的努力,我们表示支持,并欢迎为修订这两部法律的第二稿所做的努力。我们还谨此对《个人信息保护法》(PIPL)和《数据安全法》(DSL) 草案中与数据本地化和数据传输有关的某些规定表示关切。 Read more

policy filing

JUN 02, 2021

COVID-19 presents one of the most complex challenges governments around the world have faced in modern times. As you consider options for responding to this challenge, BSA | The Software Alliance seeks to support decisions that maximize public health and safety while maintaining essential functions that millions of citizens depend on for critical business and personal, including healthcare needs. Read more

policy filing

MAR 26, 2020

BSA | The Software Alliance provides the following information pursuant to your request for written submissions to the Office of the US Trade Representative as to whether Indonesia is meeting the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) eligibility criterion requiring a GSP beneficiary country to provide equitable and reasonable access to its markets and basic commodity resources. Read more

policy filing

JAN 17, 2020