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Flood protection has blocked this Solr request. See more at The Acquia Search flood control mechanism has blocked a Solr query due to API usage limits


Etiquetas adicionais

Alors que la France entre dans un nouveau cycle politique, consolider la transformation numérique du pays et renforcer son rôle de puissance européenne dans un monde globalisé devraient figurer parmi les principales priorités du futur gouvernement. Leia mais

policy filing

DEC 01, 2021

Les politiques publiques peuvent soutenir la transformation numérique et la croissance des entreprises en France, et leur expansion en Europe et à l’international. BSA propose quatre axes afin de concilier croissance et confiance numérique. Leia mais

policy filing

MAY 05, 2021

Government-generated data is an important asset that can serve as a powerful engine for creating new jobs, promoting economic growth, driving productivity gains, and enabling innovation. BSA is highly supportive of government efforts to enhance the collective benefits of data by advancing responsible policies that facilitate greater sharing, collaboration, and experimentation with data resources while protecting privacy. Leia mais

policy filing

NOV 06, 2020

Software and cloud-based services have been a big part of the solution for governments and businesses globally as they respond and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. BSA members have risen to the challenge thrown down by the COVID-19 pandemic in several ways around the world and in Australia. They are providing free access to their services; free training, advice and help regarding remote work and business digitization. As members continue to partner with businesses of all sizes and are discovering new ways of operating and new markets are being unlocked. A comprehensive list of the programs offered by BSA members can be found on the BSA website and examples from Australia included in this letter. Leia mais

policy filing

SEP 02, 2020