JUN 17, 2022 | GLOBAL
Global Data Alliance Applauds WTO Renewal of Moratorium on Customs Duties on Electronic Transmissions
WASHINGTON – June 17, 2022 – The Global Data Alliance applauds all WTO members for their agreement at the Twelfth Ministerial Conference to extend the WTO Moratorium on Customs Duties on Electronic Transmissions. “Today’s announcement shows that the WTO can negotiate meaningful trade-related outcomes that improve the lives of workers, consumers, and citizens around the world,” said Joseph Whitlock, Executive Director at the Global Data Alliance. “This agreement to refrain from imposing restrictive digital customs duties and barriers on electronic transmissions will help maintain access around the world to the digital tools and data needed to fully participate in and benefit from the digitalizing economy.”
The World Bank and other development organizations, such as UNCTAD, all take the same position: The fight against global inequality and the lingering effects of the pandemic depend, to a significant degree, on cross-border access to knowledge, technical know-how, and scientific and commercial information across transnational IT networks, as well as access to digital tools and global market opportunities. The Moratorium is also particularly beneficial to MSMEs, whose ability to access and leverage low-cost digital tools has allowed them to stay in business amidst physical restrictions and lockdowns.
Today’s agreement will help maintain such access to knowledge and economic opportunity, sustaining economies, expanding education, and raising global living standards. The Global Data Alliance is also one of 110 associations from dozens of countries, including Brazil, India, Indonesia, Japan, South Africa, and the United States, that advocated for continuation of the Moratorium, and one 20 US- and global associations adopting the same position. For more information, please see the Cross-Industry Statement on the Twelfth Ministerial Conference and the WTO Moratorium on Customs Duties on Electronic Transmissions.
The Global Data Alliance (globaldataalliance.org) is a cross-industry coalition of companies that are committed to high standards of data responsibility and that rely on the ability to transfer data around the world to innovate and create jobs. Alliance members are headquartered across the globe and are active in the advanced manufacturing, aerospace, automotive, consumer goods, electronics, financial services, health, media and entertainment, natural resources, supply chain, and telecommunications sectors, among others. The Business Software Alliance administers the Global Data Alliance.